Sacred Spellwork
Sacred Spellwork is the use of spiritual objects, focused energy, incantations, and ancient practices to conjure a specific outcome or plan.
I have the ability to remotely assist you in any area of your life. This can involve restoring balances in energy levels, creating an influx of positive and intense energy, or removing energy blockages. Are you wanting a new job, home, or career? Are you having relationship issues or wanting a lover to return? Are you challenged with a lack of a abundance? Sacred body healing spells are one of my absolute favorite specialties including but not limited to: sciatica, back and neck problems, chronic pain, headaches, auto immune disorders, and R.O.M. (range of motion) limitations.
Distant Healing Spellwork
Work is completed via direct communication with higher energies. This promotes healing and removal of blockages which allows for restoration of balance and body harmony.
- Post-Surgery
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sleep Disorders
- Grief
- Stress
- Addictive Behaviors
- Anger Inflammation
- Coping with serious or chronic illness
- Removal of energy blockages, improving energy flow throughout the system.
Money and Finance Spellwork:
- New job/career/promotion
Love and Attraction Spellwork:
- Harmony in a relationship or marriage
Luck and Karma Spellwork:
- Gambling luck
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