Welcome to Jasmine’s site and bless you with great success, love and prosperity!

About Me

Divine blessings to you for being drawn to my site. I am known as Jasmine. In this extremely challenging period of human history, many of you are in need of healing and positive energy to manifest your dreams and desires and return you to wellness. Through focused energy, spell work, card readings, and many other modalities, I can provide you with the assistance you require to get back on track with your life. All things in the universe are energy that is not restricted by time or space, Beginning in childhood I began to be aware of spiritual gifts including the healing of people and animals, manifesting, conjuring, card readings, and telepathy. As I grew, realizing and strengthening these gifts, I pursued the medical field and I earned numerous degrees and certifications. I have been a practicing licensed medical massage therapist for the past sixteen years. I am also trained in equine and canine physical therapy. I have a university degree in psychology and a doctorate in metaphysical sciences, among many others. I am a skilled medical intuitive and I utilize distance remote healing for all illnesses of body and mind, pain, and other disorders with the application of remote medical corrective work and energy therapy. Spell work has been utilized for thousands of years in many cultures. I have excellent understanding and abilities in this area to assist you in manifesting what you desire and I have had tremendous success with thousands of clients. Please browse my site and contact me to schedule your services. Welcome to Jasmine’s site and bless you


Spiritual Card Readings

Personalized drawing and reading of spiritual cards working with the Divine to provide insight on past, present, and future events.

Sacred Spellwork

Spell work is the use of spiritual objects, focused energy, incantations, and ancient practices to conjure a specific outcome or plan.

Additional Services For Animals

We offer energy & medical intuitive healing services for your equestrian and canine companions, no matter what their ailment is. Contact us

Custom Candles

Custom SACRED healing and spellwork candles.
Candles come with instructions ..
Candles can be ordered for you, a loved one, or a pet.


“I have suffered with severe sciatica and pain for many years. Doctors were not able to relieve the terrible pain except to give me painkillers. I found and then contacted Jasmine for a consult and remote medical therapy treatment. I have now been pain-free for 5 months. Jasmine is the real thing, a true medical intuitive and I have referred many of my friends and family. Jasmine’s abilities to help with medical conditions long distance is incredible and I cannot say enough about what I received, Thank you from my heart.”

“I have received services from Jasmine for 16 years and I tell everyone how it has changed my life. True healing has no price. I no longer need my cane to walk and I found my spiritual path. God bless you Jasmine and all you do.”

“Jasmine’s card readings and Ascended Masters healing healed my mind and body and opened the path for me to find the love of my life. I could not be happier. Thank you. “